Online Pictures and Albums
Introducing Kael Edward Wischmeier
Bertelson Corner 2008 07-18-08
Bertelson Corner 2008 II 07-18-08
Essex Veterans Memorial 05-26-08 ( By Dennis Liljedahl)
Bertelson Family Picnic 06-15-08
Ryan & Leah run in the Lincoln Marathon 05-05-08
Grilling & Chilling 01-19-08
Christmas with Mom & The Boys
Christmas in Texas 12-25-07
Frosty winter 12-20-07
Mom's Birthday 12-12-07
"The Hunt" 12-09-07
Mom's Balloon Ride II 11-11-07
Renae & Ben's Wedding Pictures (Mike's) 10-27-07
Renae & Ben's Wedding Pictures (Lindsey) 10-27-07
Ryan's half marathon pictures 09-23-07
Tyler & Brittney Kleager's Wedding reception 09-01-07
Carhenge 09-02-07
Scottsbluff National Monunment 09-01-07
Bertelson Corner 2007 07-24-07
Lindsey's Bertelson Corner 2007 pictures 07-25-07
Sweetcorn Babes 07-09-07
Modale Elevator Fire 07-01-07
Class of 1972 35th Class Reunion 06-16-07
Jack & Eloise's Picnic 06-03-07
Brendan & Corrie's wedding reception 06-02-07
Pictures from the Missouri Valley Flood 05-07-07
Pictures from Mom and Mike's balloon ride 05-10-07